Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It floats!

We recently started doing little experiments with Noah (mostly from the mini scientist books by Lisa Burke). We began by exploring buoyancy by floating/sinking plasticine balls/boat shaped models, lemons with and without the peel (a lemon with its peel will float due to the air bubbles in the peel whereas a "naked" lemon will sink). We then tried dumping cooked/uncooked eggs in water and salty water (the egg floats in salty water - "It floats," said Noah excitedly at the floating egg). Noah really enjoyed these experiments especially dropping the various objects in the water with a big splash.

We then examined heat conductivity. Ice cubes placed in hot water melt faster than those in cold water which melt faster than those in a plastic waterless bowl. Also ice cubes placed on a metal plate melt faster than on a wooden plate. Noah really got into these experiments - especially seeing the ice cubes slowly disappear. He began asking for more experiments and bringing me the books!

And here we made goop with cornstarch and water (a big hit as you can see): when you hold it tight, it is solid and when you let go, it becomes liquid. Lots of fun for everyone! 

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