Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Bee

A few days before Halloween, Noah's school organized a "graduation show" (we are still trying to figure out why there is a graduation at the end of October). Noah was a little bee - here he is with a few of his friends from school as they were getting up on stage (he is the bee on the left). This time around he was more prepared for his show and seemed much more comfortable on stage and happily did the bee dance. 

On halloween day, before the big Tiong Bahru trick-or-treat, Kathryn came over for a playdate. Here Kathryn's mom reading them the caterpillar book.

It's trick-or-treat time! People don't seem to really do Halloween here so we organized a trick-or-treat with a few of our friends in the complex. Noah and Audrey getting ready to head out.

A few of the kids waiting for the rest of the group by the pool.

All the kids at one of the apartments...

Little bee in action.

 The little bee off to the next building for some more candy.

At our apartment, Noah distributed the loot. Luna agreed to share with him.

Mmmm so good - thanks Luna.

Can I have some more? The two of them shared the raisins - so adorable. 

After everyone left, the little bee agreed to take a few pics.

Bye bye everyone - Happy Halloween!

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