Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Crafty Noah

We have always tried to do some crafts with Noah but only recently has it really taken off.  As there are no seasons out here, we have tried to do some season-specific projects. Below are Noah's winter window decorations - Noah helped make the snowflakes and snowmen and we discussed snow and looked at some pictures and books. He seemed to understand the concept of cold and snow but I don't think he can remember what it feels like as he was only a few months old the last time he experienced winter! One of these days, we should bring him to the snow park here (where they have fake snow and cold "weather").

Here he is making a turkey out of spices and grains we had in the kitchen.

We traced a turkey shape off the computer and then put glue onto a part of the turkey and poured on the spices or grains and then moved on to the next bit.  The finished product...

We also did a few non-seasonal projects. Our most recent craft project involved the days of the week. As Noah has weekly playdates, we made a weekly calendar of sorts. Noah decorated little cardboard circles and I added the days of the week. Then we attached some string/ribbon to the circles and taped on a picture of the person he would see on that day.

We put it up on the wall of his room to help him keep track of the days of the week. So far, he has been very into it and looks at it in the morning and tries to guess the day and who he will be seeing that day. Tomorrow.... Jeudi with Daniel!

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