Thursday, June 19, 2014

Interactive Maya (June 19)

Maya is communicating more and more these days. She uses a combination of signs, pointing, sounds, and words to get across what she wants or is thinking and generally does a pretty good job.

These are some of the words/phrases she has said so far - some are used with more frequency than others and I am sure I am forgetting many:
  • Goodnight, moon (for a while her favorite book was goodnight moon);
  • Mama (probably the most used word - Mama - Mama - Mama - add the various intonations - Mama where are you, Mamay I need you now, Mama why won't you give me what I want...);
  • Daddy;
  • Papa (when talking to me about Daddy); 
  • Cat; 
  • Lait (though she still prefers the sign for milk); 
  • Encore
  • Banane (often used in conjunction to the sign for emphasis - she LOVES bananas and will go around say Maya banane (with sign) and the the sign for please);
  • Maya (she has now gotten very good at saying her own name),
  • Kaya (as in Kaya toast);
  • Tout doux (gently in French - probably one of the most common remarks I make to her and Noah so no wonder she has picked it up);
  • Bonne nuit (why say good night when you can also say bonne nuit to maman - always funny what words get picked up and what don't - though to be fair she has a bunch of "bonne nuit" books that repeat the phrase over and over);
  • Tobogan;
  • Culotte (not very commonly used but the other day she opened her underwear drawer and pointed at the underwear and said "culotte" a few times... who knows); 
  • Coucou;
  • Mamie (she talks to Mamie on her play phone and goes "Mam -i, alo Mam-i" - seems like there is a break between the Mam and i part...);
  • Daddy, look at that (she said it twice while pointing at something - we could not really believe but one of the times, we actually had the video going and it really sounds like that's what she said - jury is still out);
  • K c'est ca (qu'est ce que c'est ca? - this one she uses pretty often to ask what something is - usually accompanied by her pointing at something);
  • Titi (pipi - this one is a bit of a mystery to me - she can say the p sound and the eee sound so why not "pipi" - instead she says "titi"); 
  • Caca; 
  • Tata (the name she chose for her rabbit doudou), lapin, Lhasa, pomme, dix (she loves playing hide-n-seek with Noah and we count, repeatedly till 10...), fini (when she wants something to be over);
  • Voila (which she says when she finishes something); 
  • Oui (she often though not consistently will answer a question with "oui" (yes))  
  • Chaussure (she loves putting on her shoes on - she can now get her crocs on pretty well on her own and walks around saying "Maya chaussures")
  • Merci (she recently started saying "merci" when we play the give something/take it back game)
She also makes a few sounds: pinponpin (french fire engine - her favorite sound these days), hmmmm (or yummy in french), tchoutchou (sound of a train in French)

She also does a few more signs than last time: bear, bee, please, banana, ball, bird, flower, diaper, apple, book, orange, rabbit, banana to mean yellow, orange to mean orange (the color), strawberry to mean red, do not/no (she wags her finger - so cute), wait, elephant, giraffe...

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