Thursday, June 19, 2014

Fire Station and Green Eiffel Tower (May 17-18)

During the weekend, I took the kids to the local fire station for the Saturday morning open house. They put on quite a show explaining and demonstrating all the capabilities of the trucks and putting on their suits at warp speeds.

Noah and a firefighter (it seems you can choose to firefight instead 
of or as part of your military service here)

Trying out the hose

Noah even got to "drive" the truck

Just about the time the above picture was taken, the sirens went off for real and all the firefighters rushed to get read and the biggest truck sped out of the fire station. A bit scary but very exciting was Noah's conclusion.

The next day, we went to the gardens by the bay with a friend. The theme was Paris in the spring time.

Maya trying to get near the flowers

Noah with the green Eiffel tower... 
(Noah was super excited to see the Eiffel tower and can't
 wait to see the real thing this summer)

Noah in front of the "flower shop"

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