Thursday, June 19, 2014

Home Projects (May 19-23)

I was trolling the internet for some recycling projects Noah could do and that Maya could play with and interact with and came up with the roll labyrinth... 

Maya checking out the pegs

Maya testing it out

And again - it was a pretty big hit

Noah decided to add to the initial tube...

If you angle it just right, you can get it all the way down...

We got inspired and came up with another project involving felt, laminated shapes of different colors and fuzzy tape... Maya's favorite is the green circle - it is now a bit rumpled as she carries it around and puts it back up on the felt board... 

Maya discovering the shapes and telling her Daddy: "Dada look at that" while pointing to the shapes - or - at least that's what we heard...(video)

Noah used the extra felt bits to sow an envelope to keep the shapes...

Sowing in action

Noah with his finished product 

Success - Noah loved making the activities and Maya loves playing with them!

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