Thursday, June 19, 2014

Last time in the Graco

May 24 2014 was Maya's last day in her Graco car seat. She outgrew it! She is growing.  The Graco served us well in many taxis and cars and paths around the world. Unfortunately, Maya never really took to cars.  She has gotten progressively better and I hoped that she would be completely copacetic post-Graco but she is still working on it!

Maya in her Graco

14 months before (March 25 2013) 
Maya's first time in her Graco - just a tiny bit smaller!

A sleepy Maya cuddling with baby Tata as she named her rabbit in the Graco

One last walk... (discovering the Ulu Pandan Park Connector)

Weeeeeeee (video)

Noah biking nearby

Biking and strolling (video)

In the car on our way home - she was never a fan of the car
 but seemed to tolerate it that afternoon
(here making the baby sign) 

Yay home!

Bye bye Graco!

Playdate and Movie Night at the Gardens by the Bay (May 23)

On Friday, we met up with Polina and Daniel and Gabriel at the Gardens by the Bay playground for some fun in the sand and sun. This new playground is amazing - lots to climb and discover but also fun for the little ones too. 

Maya found a flower...

View as we left the playground

You can see the Marina Bay Sands hotel in the 
back left and the Flyer to the right

The Cloud Forest with the Marina Bay Sands hotel in the back

Maya went home with Eleonor for dinner and Noah and I went to the other side of the Garden for a picnic movie night with Seth. They were having a French kids movie festival... 

the walk to the movie was magical

Movie screen with the Sands hotel and "trees" in the background

View from our picnic and movie viewing spot

Noah loved the whole experience - the movie, the picnic, being outdoors - definitely something to try again. 

Home Projects (May 19-23)

I was trolling the internet for some recycling projects Noah could do and that Maya could play with and interact with and came up with the roll labyrinth... 

Maya checking out the pegs

Maya testing it out

And again - it was a pretty big hit

Noah decided to add to the initial tube...

If you angle it just right, you can get it all the way down...

We got inspired and came up with another project involving felt, laminated shapes of different colors and fuzzy tape... Maya's favorite is the green circle - it is now a bit rumpled as she carries it around and puts it back up on the felt board... 

Maya discovering the shapes and telling her Daddy: "Dada look at that" while pointing to the shapes - or - at least that's what we heard...(video)

Noah used the extra felt bits to sow an envelope to keep the shapes...

Sowing in action

Noah with his finished product 

Success - Noah loved making the activities and Maya loves playing with them!

Fire Station and Green Eiffel Tower (May 17-18)

During the weekend, I took the kids to the local fire station for the Saturday morning open house. They put on quite a show explaining and demonstrating all the capabilities of the trucks and putting on their suits at warp speeds.

Noah and a firefighter (it seems you can choose to firefight instead 
of or as part of your military service here)

Trying out the hose

Noah even got to "drive" the truck

Just about the time the above picture was taken, the sirens went off for real and all the firefighters rushed to get read and the biggest truck sped out of the fire station. A bit scary but very exciting was Noah's conclusion.

The next day, we went to the gardens by the bay with a friend. The theme was Paris in the spring time.

Maya trying to get near the flowers

Noah with the green Eiffel tower... 
(Noah was super excited to see the Eiffel tower and can't
 wait to see the real thing this summer)

Noah in front of the "flower shop"

West Coast Cotton (May 13)

Over the weekend, the kids and I went for a long bike/stroller ride in West Coast when we found... some cotton on the ground. 

Noah investigating

Cotton on the tree

Cotton and flowers on the grass

Quirky Maya

When you only have a small sample, it is hard to know what is entirely normal, what is quirky and what is abnormal. From our small sample (and friends around us), it seems that Maya has quite a few cute quirks that make Maya Maya: 
  • She likes to always carry a leaf or toy or lego or object when walking around - now preferably my handbag;
  • When you tell Maya no - she almost always listens and wags her finger - "no" (what 15 month old actually listens to no???) - sometimes listening makes her unhappy and so she bursts in tears but still does not do the thing you told her not to do;
  • She is very aware of her needs - since she was very young, it was always clear when she needed to sleep; for a few months now, she makes the sleep sign when she is tired and wants to nap;
  • Maya gets upset easily if she wants something and you don't give it to her but she can always turn it off within a split second if you find something else that interests her or explain to her why she can't have the thing. She never really loses it completely;
  • She is very strong physically, kicked like a fiend as a tiny newborn, walked holding hands at 6 months, did her first solo steps at 8 months and scootered just before 15 months;
  • Maya does not talk all the time but is very good at making her needs and wishes understood and often blurts out something surprising - recently "Daddy, look at that", "tobogan", coccinelle, mamie, culotte, qu'est c'est ca? "1-10" or just dix - as if it's all stored in there but can't always come out;
  • She has a funky way of drinking her milk - she drinks drinks and drinks and then very suddenly , as if her stomach were literally overflowing, she decides she is done and pushes it away and that's it - no going back;
  • Maya does not like riding in cars (with our without boys) - she is much better than she used to be but still not a fan;
  • Maya is very good and and enjoys reproducing tunes/singing reproducing beats (I sang Beethoven's 5th to her about a month or so ago and the next day she was humming it, same with a few other tunes);
  • Maya is very sociable - she goes up to people at playgrounds and "talks" to them and gives them her water bottle and tries to play with them or pet them (she likes to gently pet people's head!);
  • She signs please rather than whine for something (I love that one :) but it always surprises me).

Interactive Maya (June 19)

Maya is communicating more and more these days. She uses a combination of signs, pointing, sounds, and words to get across what she wants or is thinking and generally does a pretty good job.

These are some of the words/phrases she has said so far - some are used with more frequency than others and I am sure I am forgetting many:
  • Goodnight, moon (for a while her favorite book was goodnight moon);
  • Mama (probably the most used word - Mama - Mama - Mama - add the various intonations - Mama where are you, Mamay I need you now, Mama why won't you give me what I want...);
  • Daddy;
  • Papa (when talking to me about Daddy); 
  • Cat; 
  • Lait (though she still prefers the sign for milk); 
  • Encore
  • Banane (often used in conjunction to the sign for emphasis - she LOVES bananas and will go around say Maya banane (with sign) and the the sign for please);
  • Maya (she has now gotten very good at saying her own name),
  • Kaya (as in Kaya toast);
  • Tout doux (gently in French - probably one of the most common remarks I make to her and Noah so no wonder she has picked it up);
  • Bonne nuit (why say good night when you can also say bonne nuit to maman - always funny what words get picked up and what don't - though to be fair she has a bunch of "bonne nuit" books that repeat the phrase over and over);
  • Tobogan;
  • Culotte (not very commonly used but the other day she opened her underwear drawer and pointed at the underwear and said "culotte" a few times... who knows); 
  • Coucou;
  • Mamie (she talks to Mamie on her play phone and goes "Mam -i, alo Mam-i" - seems like there is a break between the Mam and i part...);
  • Daddy, look at that (she said it twice while pointing at something - we could not really believe but one of the times, we actually had the video going and it really sounds like that's what she said - jury is still out);
  • K c'est ca (qu'est ce que c'est ca? - this one she uses pretty often to ask what something is - usually accompanied by her pointing at something);
  • Titi (pipi - this one is a bit of a mystery to me - she can say the p sound and the eee sound so why not "pipi" - instead she says "titi"); 
  • Caca; 
  • Tata (the name she chose for her rabbit doudou), lapin, Lhasa, pomme, dix (she loves playing hide-n-seek with Noah and we count, repeatedly till 10...), fini (when she wants something to be over);
  • Voila (which she says when she finishes something); 
  • Oui (she often though not consistently will answer a question with "oui" (yes))  
  • Chaussure (she loves putting on her shoes on - she can now get her crocs on pretty well on her own and walks around saying "Maya chaussures")
  • Merci (she recently started saying "merci" when we play the give something/take it back game)
She also makes a few sounds: pinponpin (french fire engine - her favorite sound these days), hmmmm (or yummy in french), tchoutchou (sound of a train in French)

She also does a few more signs than last time: bear, bee, please, banana, ball, bird, flower, diaper, apple, book, orange, rabbit, banana to mean yellow, orange to mean orange (the color), strawberry to mean red, do not/no (she wags her finger - so cute), wait, elephant, giraffe...

Father's Day Portraits (June 15)

For Father's Day, I took a picture of Noah and he made a frame at school. We also printed out large version of the portraits below to put on the walls...

Guess who at age 7.5 months?

Guess who at age 7.5 months?

Maya May 2014 (15 months old)

Noah June 2014 (4.5 years old)

Happy belated Father's Day to a super wonderful Daddy.

Labrador Park Playdate (May 10)

Although we live on a small island, I am always surprised at how much there is to do and how much is still on my "to try out" list. On May 10 (happy belated birthday O!), we went to Labrador park and walked along the water all the way to Vivo City with our friends - a beautiful and fun walk/scoot along the water.

Noah scooting along

View onto Sentosa I believe

Glass flowers discovered along the way

Noah and the Young Researcher (May 9)

On May 9, Seth was awarded the Young Researcher Award for his university. Below, a proud Noah with his Daddy and his Daddy's trophy.