Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Weeks 2 & 3: End of Maya Phase 1

Maya Phase 1 (the sleeping phase) as Seth calls it ended around 3 weeks. She would sleep happily anywhere anytime (in between feedings). At the time we described her as follows (it has been less than two months yet it is already getting a bit hard to remember how we felt then!): "she is a super sweet and curious baby. We think she sometimes actually smiles at us and that she can cover her ears when there is too much noise and suck on her fingers to soothe and copy a pre-milk sign." "she seems really interested when we do the milk sign and earlier today (March 4) she reached out her hand in a way that was not usual to sort of copy the milk sign (or maybe she was trying to reach something - who knows)". In retrospect - not sure she was actually smiling "at us" but it was cute nevertheless. As to the milk sign - I don't think it is possible that she is doing it but it sure looks like it sometimes.

During that time she also lost her umbilical cord (March 4th), rode her first subway (March 4th to go to the pediatrician's), took her first bus (March 5th), became a US citizen (March 5th), became a French citizen (March 7) and made it to 5 pounds (!) (March 15th).

Sleeping on maman

"A flag for the new American citizen" (words of the US embassy employee when she handed us a flag)

Maya immediately took to her flag 

and then decided it would make a nice hat (she did this on her own)

Tummy time with big brother

Hanging with big brother

Early conversations....

Sibling skin on skin time

Noah really enjoyed this - Maya was mixed

Attempting to grab the ball

In her crib on Noah's beautiful blanket (thanks tata)

Lhasa finds all of this to be a bit too much 

Noah showing off the homemade playdough he made with Daddy

Bath time... she started enjoying baths a bit more

Tummy time with Kathryn and Noah - Noah was very protective and adorable

Sleeping in her parc

Our sweet Maya


  1. Adorable petite Maya, tu fais le bonheur de ceux qui t'entourent. J'adore la dernière photo, you look so peaceful and happy :)

  2. Comme Maya ressemble à Noah sur certaines photos quand il était lui aussi un tout petit bout de chou. J'adorerais la tenir dans mes bras et lui faire un gros cuddle. Bisous les amis
