Friday, May 10, 2013

Beginning of Phase 2: Weeks 4-5

Phase 2 brought some good and some less good - the good - she started having more awake time during which you could interact with her a little bit, she also started sleeping in her crib in her room (at first, I slept on the couch in her room) and sleeping longer stretches (she made it to six hours without feeding a few times) - the bad - you could not put her down anywhere anymore. She wanted to be in your arms, preferably when you were standing and rocking her or walking! She also started crying more - so we tried to see if she would take the pacifier and... she loved it (more on the pacifier later). 

During these weeks, she slept in her crib for the first time (March 18), took her first taxi cab (March 25th to go to KK Hospital for Noah's operation which did not end up happening then), sucked on her first pacifier (March 26) and made it to 3kg (March 31).

sleeping in her crib

trying out some of her clothes

testing her new car seat 

First pacifier

baby pacified

sleeping in her parc - Maya is a month old!

Just around the time Phase 2 started - we received a wonderful present (Thank you Soizic) - the cocoonababy which she sleeps and naps in beautifully.

Enough with the pictures

 Milk - milk - can't you see I am doing the milk sign. Won't someone feed me?

Noah loved the box the cocoona came in...


  1. Adorable Maya ... and Noah of course ! Léo aime aussi la tétine ;)

  2. Vive le cocoona :) heureuse qu'il soit arrivé à bon port.
    Je vois qu'une simple boîte en carton fait le bonheur des enfants à tous les coins du monde :P
    Pourquoi acheter des jouets sophistiqués.
