Saturday, May 25, 2013

Birth to 3 months: Maya's Firsts

Maya is three months old today. 

During the last three months, she has been very busy discovering the world and trying new things. 

Below is a chronicle of Maya's firsts.... (we will do a separate "Portrait of Maya at three months" post).

0-1 month
First breastfeed:  morning of February 25th around 11 am
First time Maya saw her big brother: afternoon of February 25th 
First time in a car: February 28 - on the way home in Celine's car
First bath: March 2
First walk outside in the poussette: March 3
First time without her umbilical chord: night of March 3-4
First subway ride: March 4 to go to her pediatrician's
First bus ride: March 5 to go to the US embassy
First time over 5 pounds: March 15
First time sleeping in her big girl crib: March 18
First taxi ride: March 25

1-2 months
First lolette:  March 26
First time over 3kg: March 31
First bottle (breastmilk): April 4
First evening without Maman (but with Daddy): April 24
First nail cut: April 25

2-3 months

First time over 4kg: April 28 (4.087kg)
First night alone in her room: April 27 to 28 (she was in her bassinet in our room the first three weeks, then in her crib in her room but I slept on the couch in her room)
First tear: April 29
First real smiles: May 9
First haircut: May 17 (we trimmed the crown of unkempt hair in the back of her neck)
First blow out diaper: May 17
First time playing happily on her own in her park for over 15mn: May 17
First time over 10 pounds: May 18
First time in the pool: May 25th

Happy three months Mango Maya (all these pics were taken the day before her 3 month bday). 


  1. Quel regard intense et magnifique. Et cette jolie peau toute rose.
    Maya est vraiment très jolie. Belle comme une fleur de printemps.
