Monday, January 28, 2013

New Bed for Noah

A while ago, in preparation for the arrival of baby Mango, I had asked Noah whether he wanted a big boy bed and give his crib to Mango or whether he wanted to keep his crib (now barless on one side) and we would buy a new crib for Mango. He did not hesitate: he wanted to give his crib to Mango and wanted a big boy bed. A few weeks ago, we went to Ikea to check out the beds and ended up buying a simple adult wooden bed, comfy mattress to go with it and of course new sheets. The plan was to paint the bed white to fit the colors in Noah's room and add some blue, green and red decorations. Below, Noah making dinosaur shaped potato stamps. 

First try at making dino imprints on paper...

A bit blobby but oh well. Next we painted the light wood color white and the little slates on the front of the bed, red, blue and green. Noah got to help paint the bed white and choose the colors and order for the dinos though I think all the waiting for things to dry was not very satisfying (to him or to me).

Stamping the side of the bed....

But, eventually, on January 12th, after a few days of painting, stamping and building, the bed was ready for Noah to move into. Below, Noah excitedly trying his new bed. 

Pretending to sleep - yup comfy!

Since he started sleeping in the new bed, he has slept like a big boy and has not had any night pee accidents - the crib with its new mattress has been reassembled as a newborn crib and is sitting in Mango's room. And, as a perk, we can now lie down next to Noah to read him his bedtime stories. I am calling this operation a success!

In order to accommodate the bigger bed, we had to move things around a bit in his room. Here Noah  (and rabbit) showing off his new and improved room. 

1 comment:

  1. Magnifique ce lit customizé :)
    Et bravo Noah pour cette nouvelle étape.
