Monday, January 28, 2013

Galette des Rois Party

This year, like last year, Seth made a galette des rois (kings' cake) and we invited some friends over. The weekend before, we had been invited to a friend's house for galette and Noah had found the "feve" and become king... has he inherited the legendary luck of tonton Charles? Below, Leon trying out the crown. 

This was a picture from last year. All the kids nicely lined up for the pic...

And this year... two out of four... (notice their crowns which they made prior to eating).

Here we have three kids but um...

Here there are technically four kids but you can't see them all - this was the best pic! They kept running around and laughing and playing.

Kathryn trying on the crown on Balto the dog - Balto at least was willing to pose!

Noah won two for two feves.... and there were many people sharing the galette. So maybe he got a bit of Tonton Charles's luck (not that I really believe in luck).

1 comment:

  1. On a complètement oublié cette année. Jolie tradition. Surtout avec ces joies couronnes hand-made ;)
    Tu abuses Noah! 2 fèves ?? Tu triches c'est pas possible. Ou alors un 6e sens peut être ...
