Monday, January 28, 2013

Big Noah (and family) visit Singapore: Can we keep baby Emma?

Our friend from Yale, Noah (now called "Big Noah" to differentiate from our little guy) came to Singapore with his family at the end of November. Below, Big Noah, Vivian, Emma, Jacob and Little Noah at the gardens by the bay.  

It was amazing seeing Big Noah again and getting to meet his kids, 4.5 year old Jacob and 2 month old Emma (at the time). Jacob was an amazing big brother to little Emma, affectionate and caring and attentive so hopefully Noah took some valuable cues from him! Below, Jacob and Noah at the zoo. Noah loves studying maps whenever possible and telling us where we are and where we are going. He has gotten pretty good at finding the "you are here" star on the board maps and following the zoo map which has little animal drawings on it to help one find ones way.

Jacob wanted to ride the elephant so he, Noah and Vivian did an elephant tour.... 

Noah had already been on an elephant a long time ago in Bali (see picture below - making the elephant sign) but seemed a bit apprehensive at first about going without me but then got excited and had a good time. 

One of the highlights of the zoo trip (I would add unfortunately but that is up for discussion) was the car ride... below Noah and Jacob driving.

That evening, we met some of Big Noah's friends for crab at a nearby restaurant. The kids had a blast with the serving cart...

One morning, we headed to Sentosa for brunch at Coastes and some beach time for the kids.

The weather held long enough for a nice brunch but we then headed inside to the aquarium.

And to see the dolphin show. Jacob wanted to pet the pink dolphins at the end of the show so Noah got to do so too... because he was over a meter tall he had to go on his own but our fearless animal lover had no fear and was very excited to meet the dolphin. 

Dolphin approaching...

Noah petting the pink dolphin...

A happy and wet Noah...

Big Noah was actually here on business so he and his family stayed with us for a few days/nights and then went to a hotel. Little Noah seemed very sad to see them leave and kept asking "can we keep baby Emma?". So I explained to him that we could not keep baby Emma as she was still drinking her maman's milk and we could not provide that for her but that we would keep seeing them while they were in Singapore and that soon he would have his own baby at home... that seemed to reassure him a bit. It was great seeing him take to her and kiss her and try to feed her (see below). Hopefully, he will act the same way with little Mango...

On another day, we went to the bird park where they were premiering a new bird show. The next day, in the newspaper... was the pic below.... can you spot us? 

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