Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Goodbye Diapers Experiment Part 2

We last mentioned the goodbye diaper experiment about 2 months ago. At the time, Noah had requested  that we say goodbye diapers and had ceremonially discarded his diapers (which I then hid in my closet). The experiment was successful in that it got him over any remaining poop issues he had but every morning for a little over a week he woke up either wet or drenched.... so we brought back the night diapers (except for the occasional poop at the beginning, he has been diaper free during the day since September).

A few days ago, he asked to wear his underwear at night. The first morning, he was slightly wet. The second morning he was wet. The third night he wore a diaper and... this the fourth night... he requested his underwear again AND.... HE WAS DRY this morning. His first dry underwear night :) We will see if this was a lucky break or whether this is really a final goodbye diapers. In any case, we were all pretty excited!

On another potty note, Noah now mostly pees either in the potty or standing up in the big toilet  - he shoos us away, barely brings his shorts and underwear down and stands on tiptoe by the toilet - very cute and generally pretty effective!


  1. how cute...cannot wait to see him pee in the toilet!!

    can't wait to see him otherwise as well...

  2. Well done Noah. You're definitely a big boy ;)
