Sunday, March 18, 2012

Crunchy Granola

Before last weekend, I had never made homemade granola. It seemed like such a crunchy granola/ attachment parenting/teva wearing thing to do which made it both appealing and well not-so appealing. But, unlike making your own cheese or almond milk or tofu, it is remarkably easy. So, after hearing a slate gabfest on the best granola recipes, I decided it was time to try this out... (with some help from our two chefs...).

Here are the chefs mixing the ingredients.

And spreading the mixture on the pan to put in the oven.

It was quite good though given the prices of nuts around here, I am not sure it will be a weekly staple! (you can click on granola recipe if you want to see the recipe we made and on gabfest to listen to the granola off on slate's culture gabfest).  


  1. Avec deux chefs à la maison te voilà bien entourée Val.
    Super yumi ce granola.
