Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Not-so-Pefect Days

Since about four days after Daddy left for Canada, Noah has been intermittently clingy and cranky and whiny and overly energetic and hard to reason with - the last of these being the hardest for me as I am just not used to a completely unreasonable Noah. If past experience is of any use, this usually lasts about a week or so till he feels secure again with his Daddy back home.

Yesterday was probably the worst day - he refused to hold my hand in the street and made a huge fuss, then refused to sit on my lap in the subway.... and made a huge fuss, then was completely rambunctious during his playdate with his friend Daniel climbing on top of moving cars (the little car rides but still) and running around like a chicken with his head cut off, then refused to hold my hand in the street again and made a huge fuss and then I think there was one more huge fuss but I can't even remember what about - what fun! I miss my (mostly) easygoing reasonable Noah.


  1. Ça je connais bien les huge fuss. Ça arrive très souvent dès que le cours de la vie ne va pas comme Mr Linus l'a décidé. Leur manière de s'affranchir et d'exprimer leur individuslité. Épuisant pour les parents qui doivent tenir bon, déplacer cette masse en colère et essayer en plus de les raisonner. Je compatis

  2. I think kids act this way sometimes just to remind you how good they are the rest of the time!!!!

    When does Seth get home? Any time soon?
