Sunday, February 12, 2012

Daddy est au Canada

Last Saturday, Seth left for Canada and Noah helped him pack those strange bulky things called gloves, scarves, hats, sweaters and socks! Here is Noah trying to figure out what to do with this seemingly useless paraphernalia (why would you need any of it since it is about 80 all year!). 

Noah seems to understand where Daddy is. "Daddy est au Canada" - we looked it up on the world map but he seemed to have trouble understanding when Daddy was getting back -  he will be back in one week  - was just not very useful information. So we made a Dada calendar for his room and every morning we cross off the previous day and count the number of crosses we have already made and the number of remaining crosses. This seems to have eased his worries a bit. He no longer asks when Daddy is coming home but is a bit sadder, clingier and crankier than usual. His usual reaction to loved ones disappearing for more than two days.

We miss you Daddy!


  1. C'est adorable ce compte à rebours en attendant papa. Il devrait être aarvié là ou sur le point de l'être. Bonnes retrouvailles

  2. Et c'est une très bonne idée Maman Valerie, que Maman Céline retient pour le prochain voyage de Papa Séb ;)
