Sunday, February 12, 2012

Noah Writing N-O-A-H

Noah's love of letters continues - I can't exactly remember how this new development began (it was all of two days ago!) but I think Noah asked to write his name on one of his drawings/collages. Below was, I think, his second signature (he did the collage essentially on his own - cutting the pieces of paper with his new kid-friendly scissors and gluing them onto his paper; after a while he got sick of physically putting glue on each piece so he would select the piece of paper and delegate the glue smearing to me and then whisk the piece away from me to find the perfect spot for it on his paper).

A close-up of his "signature" - all the lines are his. I just modeled line by line on a separate paper. I drew a line on my piece of paper, then he drew a line on his, then I drew a second line and he drew a second line ... and so on till he had written:

A few tries later, his lines are getting more confident (and colorful).

Noah is writing N-O-A-H!

On an unrelated letter story, we were at the zoo the other day and Noah spotted a sign that said "zoo" and he said "Z-O-O" "zoo" - and since then if you ask him how to spell zoo. He will say "Z-O-O". He can also spell "lola" and "dada" and "mama" and a few other words without having the words in front of him.


  1. Tu es époustouflant Noah. Such a smart boy

  2. Un artiste signe toujours ses oeuvres :D Bravo N.O.A.H. !!
