Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Switzerland (June 25-July 6)

At the playground near Doro's - Noah pushing his sister

Fondue from the Cafe du Soleil

Breakfast on Doro's terrace - Maya eating her baby croissant

In the Mont Saleve

Boulder climbing

Our new friends

Lunch: charcuterie and fromages

Nap time for girlie

Yummy Swiss food

View from my friend's balcony where we had dinner

More yummy Swiss specialties

Noah at the adventure parc

More adventuring

So much fun

Today's adventures: car racing in Neuchatel

Enjoying the nice weather we were having

Eating malakoffs on the way back at our favorite malakoff place in Luins

Looking out the window from the restaurant to see Maya's first rainbow!

Maya's reaction to a pic of a Malakoff - she LOVED them and could not get enough

Views as we left the restaurant - this country is really beautiful

Noah practicing his ball throwing skills for Atticus

Meanwhile, Maya smells the flowers

Our friend's house and garden - such a beautiful and peaceful place

Maya found a prune

Maya, Maya the dog and Noah

Our old Nyon playground... still the same

Sunflower fields

Walking around with Noah

Walking Gilberts

Chenes de Bougie

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