Thursday, November 6, 2014

NYC2 (July 28-Aug.8)

They climbed the rocks in Central Park

Sharing a tire swing

Riverside walk scuptures

Noah on the last monkey bars in the city

Drawing on Audrey's easel

Noah on Balto

Noah and a friend's daughter on Alice

The cousins

Feeding a goat

Maya sharing her wood scraps with her cousin

Noah loved this car ride

Daddy calendar

Maya playing in freezing cold water

The three cousins

Maya playing with Ari (Rob's youngest)

Noah, Rob and Blake

More water play, who knew all the playgrounds in NYC had sprinklers

View from our breakfast spot

Our breakfast date

With a friend feeding Central Park goats

After his feeding, the alpaca took a bath

Riding the turtle

Riding the flyer thing

With his friend on the frogs


Drink time

Making friends

Making candles at "Make Meaning"

And cookie decorating... part of the day long extravaganza - 
Yay, we are going to decorate cookies

Decoration in progress

All done!

Bye bye Noah - off to science class

The final candle for Suza

Kids unwinding after a fun packed day

Girlie's favorite activity at the playground...

Noah at the top

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