Saturday, November 8, 2014

DC1 (August 16-23): playgrounds, puppies and puppets

Back in DC, we took some pictures with Grandpa Bob (real camera pics to follow).

The kids with Grandpa Bob

Playing with the Iphlone

Cousins with Abby and Grandpa Bob

with Grandpa Steve

and Ron

Maya with her favorite exhibit at the space museum

with her second favorite, the air balloon that goes up and down when 
you put/take out weight from its basket

Maya and Noah picking a tomato

Bagging the tomato (which she then took out again)

Still holding a tomato

Eating a peach off the tree

Picking peaches off the tree with Grandpa

He is jumping!

Exploring DC playgrounds - Macomb Playground was a big hit

Petting the racoon

Running on the "treadmill" - Noah's favorite thing at this playground

Maya petting the squirrel

My kids in a nutshell:

Noah building with gigantic blocks

Maya climbed into the water table and dunked her head in the water

Climbing higher to get even more soaked

Tires to climb on at the Turtle playground

Trying out the Newark playground!

Tunnel at Newark

Noah in the log slide

Noah looking at the cheetah at the zoo

Noah riding the zoo carrousel

Maya building a tower with daddy's blocks

Ice bucket challenge Maya style (video)

Maya on the swing - she wants the big girl swing of course

Noah mushroom hopping at the Hearst playground

Noah at the Glen Echo puppet show - lots of fun - 
Maya sat through the whole show completely mesmerized

Getting a hug from the puppet

And giving her a hug

Maya meeting the puppet

Playing hide-and-seek with baby tata - she found tata! 
(while Noah and Grandpa went to another puppet show)

Snack break

Riding the carousel with grandpa



Checking out the surroundings

Brunch in the back yard - yummy and beautiful

Guess who is back in the water?

Off to Cirque du Soleil

In line

Getting ready to watch the show

At cirque du soleil - Maya loved it - was amazed and sat through the whole thing

Exercising during intermission

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