In mid-April, Papy and Mamie came to Singapore for a visit.
Maya, smiling in anticipation... (or just dream smiling)
little feet
Walking across Henderson waves bridge
Noah bouncing Maya to help soothe her
Maya sleeping on Daddy
with Noah
Papy and Mamie got Noah an early 4th birthday present... a two wheel bike
Noah at the bike shop with his two wheel bike
The next day he wanted to try out his new bike - Papy helping him out
My turn to help him
almost there...
and there he goes (see video above)!
It took him about 30 minutes - we were all very surprised that his practice on the balance bike was so helpful in learning to ride a normal two wheel bike. We all had memories of falling and trying again and falling and trying again... this was entirely painless and almost effortless. Balance bikes rock!
He's biking!
A few tries later - he is really getting his biking legs (see above video) - thank you Papy and Mamie - see you soon somewhere!
Incroyable Noah tu sais déjà faire du vélo. Tu m'épateras toujours! Big boy !