Wednesday, May 15, 2013

GG, Grandpa and Suza come to town (March 31 to April 6)

In early April, GG, Grandpa and Suza came to visit for a fun packed week. We all had a great time exploring new activities and places in Singapore as well as testing out and playing with all the new toys and gizmos GG, Grandpa and Suza brought from the US (thank you :) ). GG and Grandpa gave Noah a "car" that runs on diet coke and mentos. 

Essentially you strap the diet cook bottle on wheels and then add the mentos and...

Off it goes... (see the above video of the first launch of the car - the second was less successful because we tried to reuse the diet coke left in the bottle...)

We also discovered the new aquarium in Sentosa - very impressive.  They even had white sharks! Noah enjoyed it and Maya liked it so much she peed in her pants which then leaked all over Suza!

April 2 was GG's birthday. Below, getting ready to head out to dinner.

Maya got all decked up for the occasion... (thank you Tania for the dress!)

That's something worth smiling about

GG, Grandpa and Suza took Noah to Legoland in Malaysia...

Noah and Grandpa with the lego tourist

Driving a lego car - a highlight of legoland

Driving a lego boat with Grandpa's help

Noah in front of "little Singapore" made out of lego

In front of the lego Singapore flyer

Lego Taj Mahal - love the little lego people

Noah's first real roller coaster... he was a bit scared but enjoyed it nevertheless

Fire, Fire - Noah putting out the fire

Riding an airplane with Suza - the cool part was being able to steer the airplane up and down

Riding a horse

Coming 'round the mountain

Close up

Hanging out with Lego man

Back home - Four on couch

So much fun :)

Maya holding in the lolette

On April 4th,  Noah gave Maya her first bottle (expressed breastmilk)

He had requested to be the one to give her her first bottle and was so excited about it

Maya took it well

The kids

After some pleading, Noah agreed to share the task with Suza 

... and Daddy

We also discovered the new zoo - the river safari with its pandas - below the red panda.

and the traditional black and white panda 

GG, Suza and Noah after the show at the river safari

Overall, a very fun week. Noah loved having his grandparents and aunt here and enjoyed all the extra attention and gifts (thanks again) and we are not quite sure what Maya thought of the visit though my guess is she enjoyed on some level the cuddles and extra shoulders to nap on and additional people to soothe her when she got cranky!

1 comment:

  1. Quel programme! tu n'es pas en reste Noah avec toutes ces chouettes activités. Pas le temps de t'ennuyer au moins. Et comme tu t'occupes bien de ta petite soeur. Vraiment touchant.
