Friday, March 15, 2013

Maya Days 1&2: Turning Pink but Seeing Blue

February 26 was a relaxed day at Mount E. We gave Noah the choice between going to school in the morning and then coming to see me and Maya in the afternoon or spending the day with us. Unsurprisingly, he chose to spend the day with his little sister. He brought some books to read her and to read with us of course. Below, Maya starting to look less blue.

with Seth

with Seth and Noah

her head is soooo small

The Mount E Hospital package included a "candlelight dinner" for the parents and we were allowed to add Noah so that evening we had our "fancy" hospital dinner - our first dinner together as a family of four. 

The next morning (February 27th) we had to rush to get Maya her passport pictures and get everything  ready to go home pending the pediatrician's green light. The pediatrician had been very optimistic as Maya was eating well, had stopped loosing weight and did not look too yellow. Below, me preparing Maya to head out. 

But then the jaundice numbers came back and the pediatrician thought it was more prudent for Maya to spend 24 hours under a blue light before heading home. The blue light treatment was to be done in the nursery which meant Maya could not be in my room with me. The nurse must have seen the face I made when I heard the news because she arranged for the blue light to be brought to my room :)

With Noah, we had jokingly determined early on that Noah would be a conductor (see pic below of Noah at 11 days old). 

It seems - Maya will be a violinist...  below playing her imaginary violin under her blue light.

The blue light was no fun - I could not hold Maya except when feeding her... luckily she took it very well.  And at least she was in my room so I could sing to her and read to her and play her some soothing music. It seems the in utero playings of Guantanamera had some effect because anytime I put the song on, she would immediately calm down. 

A feeding break from the blue light.

That night, I figured that since I could not hold her, we would both be better off if she was in the nursery where someone would watch over her and bring her to me for feedings (also I was starting to get headaches from the blue light). 


  1. Maya est vraiment adorable. Elle te ressemble beaucoup Valérie, il me semble. Cela va sûrement changer.
    J'adore ses jolies mains. Tellement vulnérable sous la lampe bleue.

  2. C'est vrai que la position des mains et doigts de Maya sous la lampe bleue est incroyable. Courageuse et gracieuse petite Maya, tu nous fais fondre.
