Saturday, March 16, 2013

Maya Day 3: From Blue to Green!

In the morning of the 28th of February, I went to see Maya at the nursery where she had spent most of the night under her blue light. She was the smallest of the blue light babies but the others were all crying or fidgeting and she was happily lying there soothing herself by sucking on her fingers - that's my little girl :) 

Shortly thereafter, Maya was finally allowed out of the blue light and back into my room in her normal little crib. She was also given the green light to go home. Below, all dressed up and ready to go. By day 3 she was no longer blue but still had some bruises on her eyelids and nose (you can see them below). 

One last hurdle before we could leave... I had to get the green light from my doc to head out.  That involved waiting and waiting in her office before finally being able to see her and being cleared.

Bye bye room 4365!

Waiting in the lobby of the hospital for our friend to pick us up

My sweet Maya

So happy to be heading home!

Maya in the car seat

We made it home where Noah was eagerly awaiting his little sister

Noah opening the present Maya got him (legos)

Maya checking out her "parc" - it's loud here!

Peacefully sleeping at home

That's something worth chuckling about 

Maya's first day home was very relaxed and wonderful - she slept well and ate well and cuddled well and Noah was so very happy to have her at home with him (as were we). We feel very lucky that even though she was born a bit early, Maya was and continues to be doing great.  

1 comment:

  1. There's no place like home! Oh la dernière photo et ce petit sourire :)
