Friday, December 7, 2012

Singapore Walks: Bukit Brown

Last weekend, we went walking at the Bukit Brown Cemetery. The cemetery was opened in the 20s  on  213 acres of land and in the 70s it stopped being used. Now, as wikipedia explains, "the cemetery is home to many bird species and wild life, and has as such become popular again–this time, with nature lovers". Unfortunately, at the beginning of 2013, they will begin tearing it apart to make way for a highway.  Below, Noah exploring (we only had our cell phones with us so the quality of the pictures is not very good).

Petting one of the many sculpted lions.

Checking out another lion...

More lions!

The place was very big and green and beautiful. Noah got to do his first real bushwacking which he enjoyed though longer pants and closed toed shoes might have been a bit better! It was very hot out that day but we all enjoyed our tour of Bukit Brown. Next weekend.... the Tree-Top Walk at the Macritchie Reservoir Park.

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