Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hanukkah: Food, Craft and Present Extravaganza!

This year for Hanukkah, Noah and Daddy prepared all kinds of yummy food. Below, Noah with the pile of latkes he and Seth made. 

Noah cutting dough to make sufganiyot.


Seth demonstrating how to fill them with jam and seal the top.

Noah making his "I know how to do it, my turn" face. 

Noah's turn...

Noah with the finished product.

Noah received a great Hanukkah present from his Aunt Renee and Uncle Tom... a hanukkah cupcake decorating kit. He just had to make cupcakes to try out his new kit. Below, Noah making chocolate cupcakes.

Noah and the finished product: chocolate cupcake with peanut butter icing and dreidel shaped sprinkles with Happy Hanukkah cupcake holders and little decoration.

To top it all off - Noah and Seth made some bagels... sooooo good. Noah showing off his handiwork.

In addition to toys and books from us, Noah also got some great books and an awesome playmobil set from GG and Grandpa and his Aunts and Uncles. Below Noah playing with his playmobils. 

To thank everyone, Noah and I made some Hanukkah thank you cards (with inspiration from the internet: Hanukkah Tinfoil Card ). Noah gluing pieces of blue paper, ribbons and feathers onto a big piece of tinfoil.

With a little gluing help from Maman.

All done with the shredding and gluing portion (by the way, a very good project to do with a preschooler who loves shredding and gluing :) ).

The result... three cards.

Up close...

Noah selecting which card goes to which person.

Another project (it took 16 rolls of toilet paper....) - a hanukkah wreath (Hanukkah Wreath Instructions). Noah did a great job painting all the rolls of toilet paper blue and really got into it. 

We also did the traditional dreidel playing... a big hit especially since he got to chose a piece of candy/chocolate to eat at the end. 

He was very excited because "he won" - he was the first to lose all his chocolate/candy and was then the first to be allowed to eat a piece!

And of course... candle lighting and singing which Noah really enjoyed. 

Last night - Noah looking at the Hanukkiah.

Up close...

Pretending to blow out the candles.

Now - that was funny!

Happy belated Hanukkah everyone. 


  1. Love the pics with the candlelight

  2. Magnifiques les dernières photos. Et les préparations culinaires maison très appétissantes. Encore un joyeux Hanukkah à vous 3.5 !
