Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Galette des Rois

Every year at the beginning of January, the French bake (or usually buy) a cake or galette des rois (cake of the kings) with a little porcelain figurine hidden in it. Last weekend, we had some French/Belgian friends over for crown decorating and galette. The youngest person in the group sits under the table and decides who gets what piece of cake. Noah (the youngest of our little group) really enjoyed the process and excitedly pointed at our various  friends as we cut the cake. The person who finds the figurine in his/her piece of cake is the king/queen and chooses his/her queen/king. We had two cakes (which Seth and Noah had expertly made from scratch) and hence two figurines and four kings and queens...

Vive la royaute!!!!


  1. Yum la galette des rois est un délice, et une jolie tradition pour se réunir en famille et entre amis!

  2. Super beau avec sa couronne vert émeraude
    Attention de ne pas se casser une dent ;)
