Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bon Anniversaire Tonton Charles!

Today (January 8th) is Tonton Charles's birthday. As is his habit, Noah was very excited and made a cake for Tonton (though I am not sure it would taste very good). It was his idea and design. I was brought in only when he was done and proudly exclaimed: "maman, j'ai fait un gateau" (mom, I made a cake).

And a drawing (a sun, some clouds and two cats according to Noah).

Joyeux anniversaire Tonton Charles.


  1. That is soooooooooo cute, lovely birthday song :)

  2. Tu dessines drĂ´lement bien les soleils :)
    J'adore big bisous

  3. Merci beaucoup Noah, le gateau, dessin et la chanson sont ADORABLES!!!!
