Sunday, December 25, 2011

School Life

With the school year coming to an end, Noah received his first yearbook:

Here's his class photo:

There's Nojus, Noah, Kathryn, Riko, Elias (Noah's good friend), Gavin, Rachel (with Sam behind her), Kfir, Lian, and Jing Shuen.  The teachers are Jia Hui, Isabelle, Liza, Siew Ling, and Rebecca. Little Amy was absent that day as was Esmee, Noah's best friend according to him.

As all good yearbooks do, it summarizes Noah's main activities during the year.  Here is Noah playing with letters, tracing them with his fingers and learning the sounds:

And here is Noah playing with numbers and working on his math skills, matching the "number rods" to the numbers, and organizing the "red rods" from largest to smallest:

They also learned about plants and animals, dressing up as a leopard and watering the bushes. According to his progress report, he knows his living animals well, but needs some work recognizing his extinct animals!

His favorite activity, perhaps, is painting, drawing, and making collages:

Another of Noah's favorite activities is playing outside in the water...

... and in the gravel pit with his friends.


Then, there are all the celebrations, like "Children's Day" and Deepavali.  And of course all the many birthday parties that absolutely must be celebrated with cake and cookies.

Overall, I think Noah has had a pretty good year in "school."


  1. Que d'activités Noah. C'est du sérieux tout ça dis donc. J'adore le léopard outfit. Really cute. Big hugs

  2. Well done Noah, que de jolis souvenir.
