Friday, December 23, 2011

Noah Graduates from Playgroup!

Noah's nursery school runs on a calendar year basis, so as of January first, he will officially move from "Playgroup A" to "Nursery 1."  Big steps for a little boy!  Next thing you know, he'll be off to college....

We met with his teachers last week for an end-of-the-year wrap-up, where of course he received the expected glowing reviews.  

How could you not give rave reviews to a boy with a smile like that:


They carefully evaluated all the new, important skills he learned this year.

One week, every night at dinner, he was obsessed with folding napkins.  Well now we know: that week, he mastered skill 5.1!  And that week he was obsessed with the zipper on his jeans... skill 8.1!  I wonder what is on next year's skill list?

They also evaluated his social and emotional development:

He has the makings of a born leader!  Hurry, I hear there is a presidential election coming up in the US next year!  Is it too late for him to enter?

He has gained some impressive leadership experience this year: his teachers report that he has taken charge of two important "Playgroup A" committees: the "New Student Welcome Committee" (NSWC) and the "Playgroup Potty Committee" (P-PC)  In his role on the NSWC, he mentors and advises new entrants to the playgroup, banishing their tears with his big smile.  The P-PC, too, has an important job in the Playgroup organization.  Noah leads by example, demonstrating his talents peeing on the potty, encouraging others to experiment with this innovative new technology, the toilet.

Overall, it's been a good year!


  1. Félicitations Noah pour tes super bons résultats. Mais personne ici ne doutait que tu passerais l'année scolaire haut la main. Bisous
