Thursday, March 11, 2010

Twitter: Noah Month 8 (February 11-March 11 2010)

Look at my tooth! It's that little white spot there. 
And I am millimeters away from a second one I am told.
(Photo February 13 - Tweet February 14)

These days, anything makes a good teething toy, including my socks...
(Photo February 13 - Tweet February 14)

[I think I can get my hand and the sock in my mouth at the same time.]

Is this a horse? What am I supposed to do with this new contraption?
(Photo February 13 - Tweet February 14)

[Maybe it's a new high chair - or low chair?]

[Do I drink my milk on it?]

Finger food! I like playing with green peas (even if I did not end up eating many).
(Photo February 13 - Tweet February 14)

February 14: This morning I worked on my Dadas (or adadas).

February 15: Tummy time is not that bad after all...

February 15: I have a second tooth (bottom front left)!

February 15: Now that I have two teeth, I get to brush my teeth like a big person....

February 15: My maman thought she could scare me by jumping out and saying, "Boo!" But... I thought it was the funniest thing. 
Now that I eat more solid foods, I get to try my big boy bib.
(Photo  February 14 - Tweet February 16)

[I want to drink but I am soooo tired.]

So, I am supposed be naked on this contraption? Still not clear what to do with it.
(Photo February 14 - Tweet February 16)

[Hmmm - pretty comfortable.]

February 15: I have a second tooth (bottom front left)!

[Six Noahs (February 14)]

[At the beginning, I was smiling]

[But a bit perplexed]


[What are they up to???]

[I am not sure about this]

[Maybe it's not so bad after all.]


[Oh, No - not cool]

[I swear I am going to lose it if you keep up with the picture taking.]

[Last call]

[Losing it.]

[Lost it.]

[I can get this apple if I squirm a little bit more.]

February 20: I had hat hair earlier today. And that's pretty exciting cause it means I have enough hair for it to stick up.

February 20: I am told I already have good/expensive taste: I like dad's purees not those nasty pots and the only teething toy I use is my silver rabbit.

February 20: Maybe I should pee in it...

Look at my new drumset!
(Photo February 19 - Tweet February 21)

Look it's a multipurpose drumset!
(Photo February 19 - Tweet February 21)

Bathing and tooth-brushing all in one. I am one clean boy.
(Photo February 19 - February 21)

Yesterday I saw my friends again. Here I am with that dancing fiend Adrian.
(Photo 20 - Tweet February 22)

[Milk Break]

[Me and my friends and our moms.]

[Breakfast at a cute little cafe near the lake Leman.]

Wheeeee! My first swing ride.
(Photo February 21 - Tweet February 22)

[I was going so fast, my hood fell off.]

[Kissing break...]

Sitting at the top of the world... a little scary... but sometimes you just got to take a leap. 
Here I am beginning my adventure down the slide for the first time.

[A little kiss at the bottom]

February 28: Sometimes Mom offers me 2 books. A few weeks ago I discovered that if I grabbed one, she would read it! Now I always get my favorite books.

Today, I walked across the kitchen, back and forth, holding my Mom's hands.
(Tweet February 28)

Another set of clothing retired... and a new set discovered.
(Photo February 27 - Tweet February 28)

Hanging out with the twins was a blast...
(Tweet February 28)

February 28: It was pouring rain and sunny at the same time and there was this colorful band in the sky. My first rainbow.

March 4: So my parents thought I was working on walking.. but that piece of tinfoil was just too tempting.. so I squirmed across the room and got it!

March 6: I was sitting on a cushion by the table and saw my rabbit rattle on there so I just pulled myself up and got it. What's the big deal?

March 6: 1, 2, 3... seconds. That's how long I just stood alone in the middle of the room without any help.

March 7: It's only 9am and I have already inspected the whole apartment on foot a few times. All seems in order but maybe I should do another loop.

Here I am inspecting the bookshelf. It seems like this book needs my attention.
(Photo and tweet March 7)

There are many different ways to hold a bottle. I call this one the monkey hold.
(Photo February 28 - Tweet March 7)

There is also the three-legged lemur.
(Photo February 28 - Tweet March 7)

And our old friend The Classic.
(Photo February 28 - Tweet March 7)

Sometimes I go for the trombone.
(Photo February 28 -  Tweet March 7)

[Another view of the trombone.]

And sometimes the bugle (which has the advantage of lightening my load).
(Photo March 2 - Tweet March 7)

[Chewing on my silver rabbit (March 1)]

[Hanging out at Maman's office - not too shabby.]

I had my first photomaton experience today.
(Photo and tweet March 9)

My bed has gone through a metamorphosis. The bars seem much higher now.
(Photo and tweet March 10)

March 10: I am 8 months old today and I am 71.1cm tall!

March 10: To celebrate my 8 months I am going to walk you through a day in the life of Noah.

March 10: First, after a full night's sleep, I woke up at 6:30am for my breakfast (milk care of maman).

Then I changed into my playclothes and walked over to my playmat.

 I played for a while under Dada's supervision 
(well he looked sort of half-asleep next to me on the mat).

I was then bundled up, hatted and put in my poussette. And off Dad and I went to the creche. 
After a short walk in the cold, we hop on the 8:52 bus.

[Relaxing in the bus.]

By the time the bus came to a stop (3min. later), I had dozed off. As the bus pulled away, we walked over to the creche where Dad left me, still sleeping in my stroller.

At the creche, I spent the morning playing on the mat, shaking rattles, 
and trying to walk in the "youpala."

When my maman comes to pick me up, they tell her about everything I ate that morning: 
fennel, chicken, potatoes, and carrots. They also document my many naps!

After walking home from the creche, we went to see my friend Linus and his mom Soizic. 
He's only one month old!

While maman and Soizic fed Linus, I played on the floor. Look at my ear!

After my 4pm snack (milk + banana/cereal), my maman read us Mr. Snowman.

[Maman with me and Linus - he looked so small compared to me.]

After a fun afternoon with Linus & Soizic, we went to Versoix for my birthday celebration: my first concert! We had a quick dinner beforehand...

After my spinach, fennel, pumpkin and sweet potato, we listened to "Out of the Blue" sing. 
I really enjoyed it, humming along to some of the songs! 
Afterwards, maman and daddy told me that I was a really good boy during the concert.... 
no crying or fussing.

11 March: When we got home, we began my bedtime routine. First, I changed into my pajamas, listening to Chopin.

11 March: We then read "Goodnight Moon" (with sound effects), and say goodnight to Lhasa. Next we dance to Guantanamera while rehearsing our signs.

March 11: While listening to Mozart my mam dims the lights and puts on my over-pjs. I then get my (breast)milk to the sound of mam's favorite podcast.

March 11: And that's a day in my life at eight months!

Here is my official 8 months portrait: playing with my teeth.
(Photo and tweet March 11)

[Bye bye 7 months - hello 8 months]

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