Sunday, January 10, 2010

Twitter: Noah Month 6 (photos December 11 2009-January 10 2010)

December 13: Cold white stuff falling from the sky!! Snow! My first snowfall.

My friends and I hanging out [Hugo, Adrian, Emma and Noah]
(December 13)

Yesterday, I had my first potatoes. Not bad but my friends 
were eating yummy fruit and I want to try that next 
(Photo December 13 - Tweet December 14)

The boys [Noah, Adrian and Hugo] lounging on the couch
(Photo December 13 - tweet December 14)

"Ainsi perirent les enemis de la republique: 
my first time breaking the "marmite" (or chocolat pot)
(Photo December 13 - tweet December 14)

December 15: I think I get it - that's the sign for milk, right? Yes I want some of that pleeeease!

Stella - stop tickling me- heeee, heee, heee 
(Photo and tweet December 15)

Sunday December 13: My first snow.
(Photo December 13 - tweet December 15)

December 17: What's that orange stuff? Carrots? No - sweeter. I like this. Sweet potatoes you are a good addition to my growing vegetable selection. 

Who is that baby in the mirror?
(Photo and tweet December 17)

[Wait - how come I can see you? This is weird. (December 17)]

[The whistling "chicken man" hard at work at the Saturday morning "marche". 
We could see him from our living room windows (December 19)] 

[Snowing Nyon from the top of the castle with the lac Leman in the background]

[View from the peer up to the Nyon castle - such a beautiful picturesque town]

[The Place du Chateau under the snow with its cute Auberge du Chateau]

[Noah's first Hanukkah - Night before last (December 18 2009)] 

December 20: Yesterday was a (relatively) spit-up free day! How bizarre. Let's hope it continues that way...

Hanging out in my new PJs on a snowy day.
(Photo and tweet December 20)
December 21: Today I had my first banana... yum, yum. And I tried warm whole grain rice cereal, which is a big improvement over cold flavorless mush.

December 21: I think I have a cold. I am coughing and I have a fever but it doesn't seem so bad: I'm still my usual energetic and smiley self...

December 22: There are suitcases and bags everywhere - what's happening? 

December 23: This morning, I was fever free. I am off to Aix-en-Provence. See you all in a bit and happy holidays.

December 28: Boy I hate long car rides! Our B&B in Aix was nice (my first hotel stay!), but it sure feels good to be back in my own bed. Pics soon...

December 31: My first new year's eve - 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1... happy 2010 everyone. Now I have to go to bed.

Aix-en-Provence: walking in the market with my mom on a rainy day
(Photo December 24 - tweet January 1 2010)

Aix-en-Provence: what a cute town this is!
(Photo December 25 - tweet January 1 2010)

Cassis: stopping for a quick snack in the harbor
(Photo December 25 - tweet January 1)

An evening stroll in the Calanques near Marseilles
(Photo December 25 - tweet January 1)

Aix-en-Provence: Yipppeeee, candy! 
This city has more candy than Willy Wonka's factory!
(Photo December 26 - tweet January 1)

Marseilles: stopping for afternoon tea at a cute tea shop.
(Photo December 26 - tweet January 1)

Marseilles: food break! My cereal is much yummier with bananas mixed in.
(Photo December 26 - tweet January 1)

Arles in the evening: can you spot me and my mom?
(Photo December 27 - tweet January 1)

Arles: food break again! But they won't give me any of that delicious-looking figue tatin.
(Photo December 27 - tweet January 1)

Look how well I sit! Two weeks ago, I needed a hand on the ground for support. A couple of days ago, I was still wobbly and here I am stable with no hands. Progress has been rapid!
(Photo January 1 - tweet January 3)

[Playing on my mat. (Photo January 1)]

[Sitting is so much fun! (January 1)

[I love this sitting thing... (January 1)]

January 3: A few weeks ago, I discovered how to suck on my foot when lying down. I just figured out how to reach it by leaning forward when sitting.

January 3: On Saturday Dec. 26th I tried my first petit pot but it was not as good as homecooking. Daddy, please keep making me those yummy purees.

January 4: I had fun today in my first full day at the nursery! I sat on the mat, I played in the walker, and I ate potatoes, zucchini and carrots!

[Little galettes des rois making a great big galette for the fete des rois (January 6)]

[Cuddling with maman in the ergo at the fete des rois party (January 6)]

[The Christmas tree at the Place du Chateau (January 6)]

January 10: I am six months old today!

[Playing with my links in my new play corner in the dining room (January 10)]

[My parents sometimes call me something that sounds like Yoda.
I wonder what a Yoda is. (January 10)]

[I like my new play corner (January 10)]

[Reading in my rocking chair (January 10)]

January 12: I had my six months check-up today. All is well and I am now 68cm tall and weigh 7.74kg.

As you know, yesterday was my 6 month birthday. So I am going to tell you about some of my favorite things these days in the next couple posts.
(Photo January 10 - tweet January 12)

My favorite thing in the whole world: food! I love breastfeeding... 
[This was my last daytime feed as starting at 6 months I had breastmilk morning and evening 
and formula during the day (January 10)]

... and I love my vegetable purees. Now that I am six months old, I get to eat in my own chair. 
(Photo January 10 - tweet January 12)

[Yuuuuum (January 10)]

When I am not eating, I like reading books...
(Photo January 10 - tweet January 12)

[Books always put me in a good mood]

... and playing in my playspace

especially with my links.

I like sitting up all on my own...

... and standing (with a little help from the table).

January 12: And I like Lhasa the cat: watching her stalk around the apartment, petting her, ruffling her fur, and saying goodnight to her every night.

January 12: I also like music especially Guantanamera and Mozart piano and violin sonatas.

And most of all I like hugs and kisses and being carried around in my parents' arms!
(Photo January 10 - tweet January 12)

January 12: The things I don't like: ZymaD, being left on my tummy and cold rice cereal.

It's been snowing a ton around here recently. Yesterday it did not stop from morning till night.
(Photo January 10 - tweet January 15)

Look at all this snow, soft and white and cold.

I like my new highchair.

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