Saturday, October 10, 2009

Twitter: Noah Month 3 (photos September 11-October 10 2009)

At last, look at my new passport (September 18)

September 18: I had my first shots today - it didn't even hurt too much and I got some cute band-aids as a souvenir.

September 18: I am growing like a weed - my new official measurements: 5.5kg and 58cm. Pretty soon, I will be taller than my maman.

September 19: I spent a nice Saturday morning with my Dad in Geneva - a little singing, a little walking but mostly a lot of sleeping.

I went to my first art gathering today - 
here I am with my Dad pondering one of the pieces (September 20)

Today was my first day without my Daddy - four more to go - I miss you already Daddy. 
(September 21) 

September 21: I just got my first Evite today. Party, here I come. I can't wait to meet my great-grandpa, my Aunt Abby and the rest of my family. 

Guess what? I can now rock my rocking chair on my own -
 how exciting is that? (September 22)

[when I sleep, I like to meditate (September 22)]

I was all smiles again this morning... (September 23)

And finally, I even smiled for the camera (September 23)

September 24: I had a great day today. I went for a long walk in my private carriage and then had tea with a friend in the nearby town of Founex. [tea with Celine]

September 24: I still miss my dad though - just a few more days to go.

September 25: Daddy is in Spain for a conference - he gets back tomorrow :)

September 28: I had another reunion with my buddies today - all six of us were there. No photos were taken though but everyone is getting so big and cute.

September 30: Off tomorrow for my big trip.

My first flight went well, and I smiled, slept, and ate the whole trip.
 Airplane food is pretty good, after all! (October 1) 

[NOTE: during our NYC trip, I switched the dates to NYC dates as opposed to the Switzerland dates stamped on the twitter feed. For example, I wrote "October 1" when the tweet stamp date is "October 2, 4am - Swiss time"]

October 1: New York, New York! I made it!

When I arrived in New York, I got a new rocker chair! 
I spent a good hour making faces at myself in the mirror.

Look at my mom taking me for a ride in my new Ergo, shopping on the streets of New York! (October 6)

Riding the subway in style in my new stroller (October 6)

My weekend schedule is packed. Here I am with Jarett at Isabella's having brunch. (October 6)

[wearing my new "Yalies dribble too" bib at Isabella's (October 6)]

[Snack break by the theater (October 6)]

I'm really enjoying my time in New York. 
I was wandering in Central Park when I just had to smile. 
(photo October 3 - tweet October 6)

October 18: Wow - it has been a busy couple weeks traveling around the East Coast, meeting everyone and... turning three months old. Photos on their way.

Here I am looking up at my mom - my eyes are still blue... 
(photo October 3 - tweet October 18)

[My first trip to Alice's (October 3)]

[Strolling away with Maman and Tonton Charles and Tata NiCole]

[Walking in the park in the Ergo (October 4)]

Keep away the paparazzi! 
(photo October 4 - tweet October 18)

[With tata in Central Park (October 4)]

Dinner at Kefi with Abigail, Rob and baby Schlaff to be. 
Welcome to the world Blake. 
(photo October 4 - tweet October 18)

Where do you find the best breakfast in New York? Norma's - that's where. 
(photo October 5 - tweet October 18)

[with Tata in a Gazebo at Mohonk 
(photo October 6)]

Enjoying a quiet day in sunny Mohonk 
(photo October 6 - tweet October 18)

With my parents in a gazebo at Mohonk Lake House 
(photo October 6 - tweet October 18)

[Beautiful Lake Mohonk (October 6)]

[Soooo funny (October 7)]

Laughing the day away.
(photo October 7 - tweet October 18)

All this laughing is tiring me out... yawn 
(photo October 7 - tweet October 18)

[I can stand on my own two legs! I think... (October 8)]

I wonder how I can get them to take me to the park? 
(photo October 8 - tweet October 18)

[Not quite as comfortable as my blue pillow at home - 
but not too bad (October 8)]

[A quick diaper change before meeting new friends (October 8)]

Here is Michael teaching me how to fly 
(October 8 - tweet October 18)

Playing with the mouse in Alice's wonderland
 (October 10 - tweet October 18)

I don't want to go home - I want to keep playing with Alice 
(October 10 - tweet October 18)

What a fun afternoon we just had
(photo October 10 - tweet October 18) [my three month "official portrait"]

[and in color...]

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