Thursday, September 10, 2009

Twitter: Noah Month 2 (August 11-September 10 2009)

August 12: Good morning world - Today I went to the office and was hard at work, eating, sleeping and spitting up.

August 13: After an evening dancing away with my mommy - I am now peacefully asleep.

August 13: Is crying an activity under the E.A.S.Y. (Eat.Activity.Sleep.You) method? I sure hope so because it is one of my favorite pastimes.

August 14: Good morning world and hello week six!

August 15: Good morning world! Am off to the market for some Saturday morning shopping.

Me and my maman at the vegetable stand purchasing some yummy mushrooms

August 15: I had another bath today but my silly parents would not let me drink my bathwater even though I was very thirsty.

August 15: I am looking forward to my first checkup at my pediatrician's on Monday. Maybe I will hit the big 4kg!

[Taking a nap on my comfy blue pillow - why don't they let me sleep on it at night?]

August 16: Here we are after a great Sunday brunch: me, Daddy, 
Doro and my new pal Pleo the dinosaur. 

August 17: I had my 1 month check-up today - all is well and I am growing fast. Official stats: 4.190kg and 55cm. I made it to 4.0 and beyond :) 

August 18: Busy day today: lunch at Starbucks, followed by my official portrait at the photographer's. With photos in hand, next step: my US passport!

[After such a trying day, a well deserved rest. 
Look, I am even sleeping in my own bed now!]

August 19: Moving on up... No more newborn for me, I am on to minis!

[They are still tracking my every move...]

Look at me in my rocking chair - I am finally big enough for it.

August 20: I had my first manicure today! My finger nails are now neat and trim.

August 21: Good morning world - week 7 here I come!

[My Daddy was lucky enough to be able to stay home for the first 6 weeks of my life and be with me and maman. My 7th week, he went back to the office.] 

August 21: I am off to Geneva to see my grandparents - am so excited, I have not seen them in 10 whole days - I was a little guy back then. 

Look at my new clothes! With my designer denim, I am ready for the big time! (August 22)

Me and my grandparents. Look at them going gaga over me

I didn't do it - it's not me - the cat maybe?

"So let me tell you about this bus - the wheels on the bus, 
they go round and round, you know?

[Ah - so comfy]

I'm hungry! I tried sucking on my kangaroo's ear. no luck. 
Maybe my Daddy's hand will work better? (August 23)

Today, I went for a walk and even stayed awake - 
here I am taking the time to smell the flowers.

[my weight chart till August 24 - doing pretty well!]

August 24: This morning, I applied for my US passport. I had a little lunch at the consulate, then a little lunch with Doro and then a little more...

August 25: I am so happy to see my maternal grandparents again - am I a lucky little boy, with all these wonderful visitors.

Relaxing after my official visit to Maman's office (August 27)

Smiling at my Mamie 

[hanging out on my mat - a gift from my medical insurance company!]

Me and my Papy appreciating my favorite Mozart 
piano and violin sonata (K305 for the curious)

[Week 7-8, I started spitting up even more than before. My parents thought there was no way I could possibly gain any weight given how much I was spitting up. But I kept eating voraciously and putting on the pounds. Unfortunately, I also seemed to be in pain when eating and spitting up and cried and cried at the breast as if Maman were poisoning me. Maman tried pumping to see if that somehow was better (it wasn't)]

Now I get Maman's milk from a bottle too... (August 31)

[Lunch in Geneva. I am attempting to eat while in the sling... Somehow, eating in the sling seemed to help with my pain and spitting up (August 31)]

July and I getting to know each other (September 1)

[My first boat trip - off to Yvoire (August 31)

[Dinner at home with Julia - she had the magical touch to put me right to sleep (August 31)]

My Aunt Suze is giving me my second bottle ever... thanks Suze (September 1)

[On September 3, I went to the hospital to have the Ph in my esophagus/stomach monitored - It took them forever but the Nyon hospital docs finally put a noodle in my nose and Maman had to write down everything I did, eat, sleep, spit up. I had to stay the night for monitoring and I cried and cried and cried. The next morning, September 4, Maman seemed tired and grumpy so I smiled up at her for the first time. I think that made her very happy and a bit less grumpy. In the end they found that my Ph level was too basic but I think they just made a mistake calibrating the noodle. They gave me some medicine to take but it did not really help. Things just got better around week 10. I kept spitting up copiously but did not have any pain anymore. Maybe this was just a case of colic and unrelated to my spitting up.]

I finally get to meet my Uncle Charles and Aunt NiCole - Hooray! (September 5)

My 8 week reunion with my buddies. I was so excited to see them, I couldn't hold back the tears. (September 5) [I cried during most of the visit with my friends - something was just very uncomfortable]

I got my first haircut today! It was already getting a little too long in the back (September 6)

[Dancing with my Uncle (September 7)]

[Cuddling up to Aunt Suza in Evian (September 7)]

Here I am playing with my aunt and uncle... and I even match the floor (September 7)!

Aunt Suz is making funny faces at me. Sometimes I copy them (September 7). 

Enjoying a coffee break with Jackie (September 7)

Here I am cuddling with my aunt and uncle on my new winter blanket. Thanks for knitting it for me (September 8)

I am off to the French countryside tomorrow! See you in a few days world!! (By then I will be over two months old) (September 8)

[A food break on the way to the countryside (September 9)]

September 12: It has been a relaxing couple of days in the French countryside, playing in the fields and climbing trees. Pics soon, when we get back home. 

We spent the weekend in my grandparents' house in Burgundy with Suza, Charles and NiCole. We arrived in the evening. 

I spent my days playing in the grass

... and climbing trees to pick fruit for our homemade plum marmalade and apple tarts

and playing hide-and-seek in the leaves [my two months pic!]

We had brunch with the Bs. Here I am with Eila. [She was trying to dance me to sleep because I was not a happy camper (September 12)]

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