Saturday, March 15, 2014

Noah Vacation: Camp (March 3-7 2014)

During the second week of vacation, Noah went to the school sponsored camp. Like his school, it was bilingual English/French. He did sports and art and cooking and had tons of fun. Below some pics the camp counselors took.

First day get together - can you spot Noah?
(the camp was for Petite-Grande Section kids so ages 3-6)

Let the games begin

Noah laughing in the background

The yellow shirts playing soccer against the orange shirts I think

Snack time

Group selfie (Noah in the back)

Art time

Soccer? Noah flying on the left


Lunch time

Some of the kids

Sandwich? (Noah in the grey T-shirt)

Silly face time

Flower formation - he still has a huge grin on his face

Making waffles - guess who volunteered???

He had a blast and the minute it was over, asked to do the next camp in May...

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