Sunday, March 2, 2014

Maya's first Birthday Day

On Tuesday February 25, a few days ago, Maya turned one. That morning, she woke up a bit later than usual (a foreshadowing of what was to come). 

With Noah's help, she opened some presents

What's that??? A singing/talking dog (thank you Tonton and Tata)

After the excitement of the presents, Maya was knackered and ready for her first nap (after a few days of eating like crazy she started, on her birthday day, the sleeping like crazy phase of the one year growth spurt - we are still waiting for the "spurt" though). We put her to nap in her stroller and a bit later walked over to the Ya Kun Kaya.

Maya having steamed (read mushy and perfect for a Maya) Kaya toast - she was a very big fan
(I was sick that day with a bad cold hence the scary appearance)

In the subway on our way to Sentosa

Discovering moving carpets on the bridge to Sentosa - 
she really liked them and did not want to get off!

A pre-lunch milk break

Break from the pre-lunch milk break

After lunch - Maya was exhausted again - she slept almost three hours in her stroller!!! 
(Note this is not her normal MO)

After a humongous nap, a milk...

and ice cream snack (she would have preferred if the ice cream were warmer)

Happy with Daddy 

After snack time, the kids played in the fountains...

Maya filling her bucket with leaves

Noah helping his sister to brave the scary fountains

The kids having fun together

Getting ready for the next water explosion

Where is it? 

Noah and Maya's footprints

All dry and changed

Where's Maya - where's Maya??


Maya is a huge fan of "Peekaboo!" these days. After playing in the fountains, we headed to the beach. Maya loves playing in the sand now that she no longer tries to eat it!

At the beach...

Watching Noah to figure out how it's done

Sand fall!

She was so engrossed, we could barely get her to turn to us for the pictures

Smiley Maya

Silly face 

It's a shovel!

Noah enjoying the sand too

She's flying!

Back in their swimsuits for some more fountain play

After some fun in the sun in Sentosa, we headed back to Vivo City for a celebratory piece of cake.

The cake box (from the same place we got Noah's first birthday piece of cake)

Maya discovering the cake (strawberry shortcake)

She proceeded to eat it very matter of factly, as if everyday she had cake to eat
 (this was her first time)

Taking a two second break to look up at Noah

Almost all gone!

Noah helping her with the last few bits

All done!

The remains...

A quick rinse-off in the fountains (yes yet more fountains!)

A change of clothes and a happy Maya in her stroller

Happy belated birthday my sweet Maya!

1 comment:

  1. Voilà le petit message envoyé sur whatsapp ...
    Happy birthday sweet Maya. Already 1! Time flies so faaaaast. J'espère que tu te régaleras avec ton gâteau et seras super gâtée. Te souhaite plein de bonheur et de découvertes pour cette 2ème année qui s'ouvre à toi 🎈💜🌸🎁👶🎂💗

    Je vois que le gâteau a été bon. J'adore le nombre de changement de vêtements et toutes les splash sessions dans les fontaines. Tu es une adorable petite fille et quelle sourire!
