Monday, January 28, 2013

Sculptures: at home and at the museum

Since I took him to see some sculptures a while back, Noah has been very interested in making his own - his favorite medium: chairs and rubber bands.

Just the other day I turned around to find that he had made a musical sculpture (not sure where he got the idea from) - I quickly grabbed my phone and took a video of him. 

Upon reflecting, Seth liked sculpture and even took a sculpture course in college so maybe this is the beginning of a life-long interest - or maybe not.

A little before Christmas, we went to the Arts Science Museum to see the lego sculpture exhibit with Noah's friend Daniel. Below Noah at the entrance in front of the lego Xmas tree (it was raining out so we were a bit wet and the museum was heavily air-conditioned so he wore his raincoat the whole time)

Below with a lego T-rex skeleton.

At the end of the exhibit, they had stations where the kids (and adults) could play with legos. This was Noah's first time playing with actual legos (he has duplos but no legos yet) and he LOVED it - here building a house. I know what to get him next!

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