Saturday, January 19, 2013

Christmas with Elena and Little Guy's First Bug

I was waiting to receive various pictures from friends and hence got a bit late in the postings... so going back to Christmas... a few days before Christmas, the local HDB (Housing Development Board) Complex nearby hosted an Xmas block party with food and games and music... a bunch of us from our condo headed over there. Below Noah and Matthias on the blow-up castle/slide.

Our friend Elena arrived on the 24th in the morning and we took her on a bumboat ride along the Singapore river and marina and then to the Singapore flyer for a view of the city and some street food and fish massage and then drinks at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel and visit of the Gardens by the bay... the next day, we went to a friend's house to celebrate Xmas. Delicious French food and great company! Although Noah seemed very happy and had a great time, something seemed a bit off with him. He did not eat as joyfully as usual, repeatedly left food on his plate  and seemed a bit lethargic at times. You would not really be able to tell from the pics below - he and his friend Alex definitely enjoy each other's company.

After the Xmas lunch and playdate, we headed to the botanical gardens. Noah complained about walking (which he usually does not do) and about his tummy hurting but then it seemed to get better. 

We went for dim sum for dinner and Noah refused to eat - now we knew something was terribly wrong. He just slept through dinner. Sure enough, on the way home, he slept on dad in the subway and suddenly without much warning got sick all over the place... our little guy's first stomach bug. Luckily we were just pulling into a station and got out of there. The next day he was a bit off and not eating much but did not get sick again. I was feeling a bit off too just as Elena headed to Malaysia for a few days at the beach. 

When she got back, we were all back to our normal selves and headed to the MacRitchie Reservoir Park for a 5k walk around the lake. But before the walk, Noah tried out the jungle gym...

A little snack break during the walk....

After MacRitchie, we headed to East Coast Park for a late crab lunch and walk along the seashore (and of course, watching the water skiiers on the water skiing pond).

Noah and Elena on the jetty. 

1 comment:

  1. What can I say - HAPPY DAYS in Singapore! Thank you so much guys!
    And hope the bug is first and last :)
