Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Noah is a big boy now...

in the eyes of our cat Lhasa. We have had Lhasa for almost five years now. She is a sweet cat and never ever scratches you BUT she sometimes bites. We were slightly worried when Noah was born that the interaction between the two would prove dangerous for Noah. Lhasa surprised us. She was amazing with a little Noah trying clumsily to hug her or pet her or smother her with kisses. She would just calmly walk away when she had had too many Noah cuddles.

Recently, I noticed that instead of walking away, she sometimes took a harmless swipe at him. He would look up surprised and confused but there would be no mark whatsoever on him. Well, our little boy has grown up in Lhasa's eyes and today for the first time she bit him. Not badly. He did not even cry but enough for there to be a mark on his arm. I am not sure he learned her lesson but from now on we will all need to be a bit more vigilant.

1 comment:

  1. Les meilleurs compagnons malgré quelques coups de griffes ou de crocs
