Friday, March 30, 2012

Fountain Play with Daniel

Yesterday, we went to Sentosa with Daniel (and his mom and brother Gabriel). After a very pleasant walk and as we were thinking of heading home, the boys spotted their favorite fountain and just had to go in ...

Look a bit smaller than you expected? That might be because this is not a pic from yesterday, but from almost exactly a year ago in the same fountains... They were so tiny and so adorable (in my very unbiased opinion!).

Back to yesterday's fun, as it was warm out and we had a change of clothes for the kids, we let them go in and play around all dressed up... They had a blast. Such pure excitement and joy running and jumping in the fountains...


As it started getting a bit darker, they turned on lights which rapidly changed from color to color. The kids were very intrigued


  1. The first pic is so cute. Vous avez dû vraiment vous amuser :))Big hugs.
