Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Padma Visit

A few days after Tetiana's visit (see previous post), our friend Padma came over from the US for a visit. I love life out here - good friends, warmth and sun year-round, a pool and facilities downstairs, and a kid friendly environment. HOWEVER it does feel rather far away from our previous lives (maybe because it actually is??? It takes over 24 hours to get here from the US and about 13 or so from France/Switzerland...) so we LOVE it when friends come visit. Although Noah does not necessarily remember our friends from earlier meetings, he seems to really enjoy having friendly people staying with us who read to him and even sometimes bring gifts! Here is Padma at the botanical gardens.

Noah also seems to enjoy opportunities to go to his favorite places... here showing the zoo off to Padma with maman.

As we were a bit behind in pictures at the time, I felt a bit reluctant to add to the pile of pictures to post so I did not take many during Padma's visit but there were many fun adventures including tea at the Fullerton Hotel, drinks on the Sentosa walk overlooking the water, parks and playgrounds.

1 comment:

  1. Watch out, a giraffe looks threatening... Just kidding :)
