Sunday, October 9, 2011

Magna Tiles

When Noah got home from Europe, he found some presents from Gigi and Grandpa awaiting him including a set of magnetized building blocks called MagnaTiles. Noah took to them immediately and after 2.5hours of playing on that first day I had to pull him away from the tiles to eat (which, if you know Noah, never happens - food is usually one of his favorite activities). For the next three weeks after that he played with the MagnaTiles everyday for at least an hour. With all that practice he got quite good at building pyramids and cubes and towers and rockets and garages for his cars and stables for his horses and wild animals.

Here he is putting some finishing touches to one of his creations.

Look it's almost as tall as I am!

What do you think?

Besides being a building and a measuring stick, Noah decided that his tower was also a great place to hide beyind...


Here is Noah with a few more of his creations.

Although two months later he no longer plays with the tiles on a daily basis, he still requests the MagnaTiles often and still loves building all kinds of structures with them. And he is now an expert a recognizing/building squares, cubes, triangles, right triangles, pyramids and a myriad of other shapes and structures.

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