Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Noah Vacation: Adventure Cove (April 28)

On Noah's first day of vacation, we returned to Adventure Cove - an amazing water park in Sentosa with a HUGE lazy river and some slides for all sizes. We did not take many pictures for obvious (wet) reasons but here are a few.

Noah entering the lazy river (April 28)

Getting the hang of it - so much fun

Maya loved the lazy river too. She rode on or with me. At some point, we played a game where I pretended to sleep while she was sitting on my stomach and make snoring sounds and then I would wake up and move around and she would laugh and laugh. A while after we had stopped playing the game, she started signing "more bear sleep" - I was so confused at first. Where is the bear? Do you want to sleep Maya? And then it hit me - the snoring sounded like a bear and I was "sleeping" she wanted more of the sleep/wake game - or the "bear sleep" game as we now call it! I was happy to oblige and more laughing ensued. I love the baby signs.  

Noah lazying in the lazy river

Off he goes 
(he did not go far without supervision for those 
worried about his safety)

We spent almost the entire day there and had a wonderful time. Hope to see you soon Adventure Cove.

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