Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Assorted April

A few pics of N&M's everyday life that did not really fit anywhere else... (mostly Maya as Noah is in school all day).

Breakfast with Daddy - Maya tries to swipe Daddy's cereal 
Now she has her own plate with a few soggy (soft) pieces of cereal!
(April 11)

Look Maman- I found this really cool new toy...
(April 22)

The orchids on our balcony
(April 25)

... and more (this time both plants flowered at the same time)
(April 25)

Little girlie is 14 months old today! Sitting on her chair with "bebe" 
(April 25)

Girlie "reading" in her chair
(April 29)

Noah Vacation: Zoo (April 30)

A couple of days after Adventure Cove, I took the kids to the zoo. Maya was, as usual, very excited to see the monkeys and Noah...

Got to be part of the Animal Friends' Zoo show

He held a hoop for the dog to jump through

Above a short video of said hoop holding and jumping

Noah with his prize for helping out

We also got to see the sloth very well this time

Later in the afternoon, Noah's friend Daniel met us at the zoo 
for a playdate - playing in the jeep in the Kangaroo field

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Noah Vacation: Adventure Cove (April 28)

On Noah's first day of vacation, we returned to Adventure Cove - an amazing water park in Sentosa with a HUGE lazy river and some slides for all sizes. We did not take many pictures for obvious (wet) reasons but here are a few.

Noah entering the lazy river (April 28)

Getting the hang of it - so much fun

Maya loved the lazy river too. She rode on or with me. At some point, we played a game where I pretended to sleep while she was sitting on my stomach and make snoring sounds and then I would wake up and move around and she would laugh and laugh. A while after we had stopped playing the game, she started signing "more bear sleep" - I was so confused at first. Where is the bear? Do you want to sleep Maya? And then it hit me - the snoring sounded like a bear and I was "sleeping" she wanted more of the sleep/wake game - or the "bear sleep" game as we now call it! I was happy to oblige and more laughing ensued. I love the baby signs.  

Noah lazying in the lazy river

Off he goes 
(he did not go far without supervision for those 
worried about his safety)

We spent almost the entire day there and had a wonderful time. Hope to see you soon Adventure Cove.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Singapore's Highline: The Green Corridor (April 27)

The green corridor is along a now-defunct railway line to Malaysia. It is currently much more "wild" than the NYC Highline but fun to walk along and explore AND a part of it is very near our apartment complex.

A railway bridge

Noah had a blast walking on the train tracks

Off he goes

On the way, the kids spotted a mango tree
and went to pick some mangoes

A close-up of the mangoes

Maya was in the carrier for a large part 
of the walk but walked some at the end

Noah and his friend K and the rest of us

Thursday, April 24, 2014

SingKids Playgym (April 23)

A playdate at Singkids... the kids had a blast (including the younger ones not pictured).

Not sure what they were up to but they 
sure look like they are having fun!

Whatever it was is still very funny

Thanks Polina for the pics. 

Monday, April 21, 2014


In our condo this year some of our friends organized an egg coloring extravaganza and an egg hunt. 

Noah coloring some eggs with his friends

Colored quail eggs - they looked pretty cool 

The egg hunt was crazy - hundreds of eggs and hundreds of kids. Noah and Maya got there 2mn late and there were NO eggs left in the toddler area and only a few in the bigger kid area. Crazy.

Maya pretending to go egg hunting 

Maya egg hunting at home

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Unearthed at the Singapore Art Museum

On Saturday morning (April 19), we went to the Singapore Art museum with Noah's friend to see Noah's teacher's exhibit. She had photographed rubber seeds - you could see the actual seeds, see drawings of the seeds and see the seeds under a microscope and also play a matching game - trying to match pairs of photographs of the seeds.

Noah and his friend in front of the photographed seeds

Matching up the seeds... pretty difficult actually

Saturday, April 19, 2014

End of an Era

Four years ago to the day (April 19 2010), Noah had his last b***feeding. Today, April 19 2014, Maya just had her last feeding. She took some formula and then drank her "maman milk" and went to sleep. The end of an era for her and for me and the beginning of a new and exciting chapter. Bye bye baby Maya. Hello little girl Maya.

Last Feeding Today

Tonight (April 19 2014) will probably be Maya's last time b****feeding and probably my last time b****feeding ever. Crazy crazy. Overall, she has been dealing well with switching to formula. She seems aware of the change but has been drinking her formula. This last week she had a minor stomach bug (she threw up once - her first time) though and refused her morning formula and said "maman" and signed milk. I put down the cup and a little bit later she drank it up without any fuss. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Maya at the zoo

Seth took the morning off from work and we took Maya to the zoo (April 17). But before that...

Morning shenanigans - girlie trying on some glasses

Checking out the monkeys

She loved watching them and later on she
 signed "car, car, monkey, monkey" - or we think, let's take
 the car to go see the monkeys...

Riding on maman's shoulders

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Drumming on Passover

For passover this year, we went to the UHC as usual where the kids got to do some drumming in additional to singing and eating yummy food.

Maya trying it out (she was sick that evening and had
 already changed out of two outfits by the time this picture was taken!)

Noah drumming

He loved it...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Noah Swims!

Noah started swim classes young but because of his ear problems, he stopped classes for almost a year. When he started again, he had become scared to let go of the edge or the board. After much effort (and some tears), he overcame his fear and during his swim class on Friday (April 11 2014), Noah swam across the width of the pool and back.

He repeated the feat the next day.... (see video below):

And below, jumping in and swimming to the edge.

jump and swim

As an incentive and something to look forward to once he could swim, we had promised him a pool party when he was able to swim the width and back on his own. So, as promised, just after his swim, we sent out some last minute evites and rounded up some of his friends for a pool and pizza party on Sunday. He had a blast and already is so much more comfortable jumping and swimming than in the videos above.  It is so great to see him playing in the water happily without wings or boards or ear molds. Congrats Noah!

Friday, April 11, 2014

From 2 to 1

Today (April 11), Maya had her last daytime b***feed. She only has one feed before bed now. From two... to 1. Baby Maya is growing up...

Last morning feed - she likes to hold my hand when she drinks

Drinking while checking out Daddy with the camera

Also today is Grandpa's birthday so Happy Birthday Grandpa Steve. Miss you.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

River Safari and More

When Mamie and Papy were here, we did some walks and went to some nice restaurants... and returned to the river safari to see the pandas and other animals. The fourth and most recent of the Singapore zoos, the river safari is great in the rain as the walkways are all covered.

The kids on the turtle (4.4.14)

Maya playing at home  (see above video) - she has started saying "oui" 
to questions she wants to answer in the affirmative (7.4.14)

Breakfast at Starbucks - 
she almost looks tall in this picture!