Monday, May 17, 2010

Twitter: Noah Month 10 (April 17-May 10 2010)

April 17: This morning, I let go of mam's hand to play with my toy and stood on my own for over 10 seconds.

April 19: This morning I had my last breast feeding session. Onwards and upwards...

April 19: I like melon! (And eggplant too!)

They thought they were getting me a play table, but I think it makes a great walker. 
Walk, push, walk, push! (April 18 - Tweet April 21)

Last weekend, I went to Amy's for barbecue and fresh cheeses. Mmmmm...
(Photo April 18 - Tweet April 21)

April 21: Now that I am nine months old, I get to eat chunkier food and flavorful spices. I love grated fruit, baby biscuits, cumin and spicy peppers.

April 21: For a few weeks, I have been waving hi and bye, and today I did the food sign. Soon I will be able to communicate all my wishes and desires.

April 21: I beat my record... I stood on my own for 34 seconds!

April 24: Last night, I had a fever of 39C but I am ok. I think it was just my immune system reacting to the measles vaccine.

April 24: While tossing and turning last night, I made a discovery: I can roll from my tummy onto my side and sit up and then from there I can stand.

[Hanging out on my changing table is lots of fun. (Photo April 19)]

[See I can just fit if I sit this way.]

Just a quick photo to say hi. Hope you all had a good weekend.
(Photo April 19 - Tweet April 26)

[My parents just got me the coolest new toy. (Photo April 25)]

[I can craw through it.]

[Or play peekaboo.]

[Maman reading cat in the hat to me and Stella. (April 25)]

April 29: Happy birthday to my great-grandpa who is turning 92 today and still playing tennis. He has also promised to teach me how to shoot hoops.

April 30: I have an ear infection again but it does not seem to be bothering me too much. I continue to romp around unfazed.

April 30: My thudguard just got here.

[wearing my thudguard. Of course once they put this silly helmet on me, 
I stopped banging my head... (May 3)]

May 3: My friends came over this afternoon. We had a blast. Pics to come.

My parents got me a new playpen but I am not very happy with it. 
(Photo May 1 - Tweet May 11)

Here I am with my friends. Haven't we gotten big? 
(Photo May 2 - Tweet May 11)

[Adrian was super sweet and hugged me.]

[Here we are again.]

Our dads made it to the party too.

[It was nice having everyone over to my house and showing them my toys.]

[I am tired - is it nap time yet?]

My maman played elevator with me and my friend Emma. Up, down, up, down. 

Once upon a time, there was a lonely cat in search of friends...
(Photo May 2 - Tweet May 12) 

Last week, my friend Romy came over for the day. Story time!
(Photo May 4 - Tweet May 12) 

[Snack time!]

Guess where I went last weekend?
(Photo May 7 - Tweet May 12) 

[All of us in our "living room".]

[So excited to be in such a beautiful place - I even saw some cows! Wonder what all the excitement buzz is all about? (Photo May 8)]

I was at Charles and Nicole's wedding! My first wedding ceremony. Don't they look great?
(Photo May 8 - Tweet May 12) 

Here I am with my uncle Charles after the ceremony.
(Photo May 8 - Tweet May 13) 

Here we all are. The sun came out just in time.

[Dinner at a fondue place. (Photo May 8)]

At the hotel in Glion, we had a huge suite.There was lots of exploring to be done
(Photo May 9 - Tweet May 13)

The hotel had a bathrobe just for me.
(Photo May 9 - Tweet May 14) 

[Hello everyone.]

I turned 10 months old on Monday. Here is my official 10 months portrait. 

If you were wondering about the weird background in my official 10 months portrait,
we were at the HRGiger museum bar in Gruyeres.

April 23: Due to technical difficulties, I have not been able to tweet much recently. A bit belatedly here are my ten months stats: 73cm and 9.2kg. 

[Goodbye everyone - see you soon!]

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