Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Weekend Fun: Theater, Diwali and Big Draw

Recently, Noah's school got a projector and the teachers have asked that we email a few pictures of  Noah's weekends so Noah can show them and talk about them to his friends. Since we were a bit (ok very) behind with the blog, we had stopped taking quite as many pictures so this was a good opportunity to get started again. Below are some pictures of the last few weekends.

A few weekends ago, we met up with Noah's theater buddy Alex (every month or so we go to a different play together with Alex's parents) to see Grimm's Fairy Tales - the play. The play was mediocre in my opinion but Noah enjoyed it a lot. And as a true Gilbert, he kept asking about the lighting on the stage, and how the witch was made to disappear after being pushed in the "oven"... Maya did pretty well too  (considering the play in all was about 2 hours + intermission) - she listened and watched for a while, then had a milk snack and then as there was an empty row in the back we walked back and forth and back and forth and finally she took a nap (how babies can sleep with so much noise is quite crazy). After the play, the boys got to take a picture with the cast members:

The weekend before last, we went to a Diwali party (held a week after the actual event). Noah, true to himself, hovered around the food station waiting for the food to be served. Maya, also true to herself walked and walked and walked and walked (holding a hand) during the skit and song portion of the evening! Finally, the food was served to Noah (and Maya's) great relief. Yum - Indian food.

On Sunday, we (the four of us as well as a friend of Noah's from school and her mom) went to the "Big Draw" organized by the Plaeum museum or "Play museum". Noah's Art-Science teacher had a booth at the fair - Noah with his teacher tracing a still life shadowed onto the paper.

Noah and his friend drawing in the sand

Along the way to our lunch spot, the kids played 
with durians - which turn out to be very sharp edged

After lunch, Noah wanted to go back to the Big Draw to try another activity: "Buildings and transportation of the future" - first he drew a sketch of his building with a wind mill and a solar panel for energy on top and a water tank to store rain water as well as a car slide and big ladder on the side...

Maya coming over to check out the progress

Building the building with cardboard and straws and paper - a pretty neat craft

The finished product

well - not quite finished - the place was closing so 
Noah did not get to finish his ladder

All in all - a great idea for the kids.

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