Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Miscellaneous May

A few random pics from May that did not make it into the blog...

May 3rd - Maya fell asleep on Noah - he was so excited

Our little chef (thank you Abby and Ron)

Little chef cutting mushroom with his special knife - and doing a great job

Maya has many modes of transportation - above on May 12 - trying out the baby bjorn facing outward (she can also face inward). She also rides in the ergo carrier, the moby wrap (thank you Ophelia), the peanut sling, the Maclaren stroller and the Graco car seat stroller!

May 16 - Maya's first haircut. Like Noah she had this bowl of longish scraggly hair in the back - with Noah we tried to trim it but then when his neck grew, it looked weird 

So with Maya - we just shaved it all off - 

May 23 - she is standing! (notice the cat checking her out!)

A few weekends ago, Noah had just finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory with Seth and the theme for the weekend was chocolate - we watched some videos on how chocolate is made, and the cool sculptures you can make with chocolate (including chocolate balloon bowls ... which we tried out last weekend) and here - tasting very dark, dark, milk and white chocolate - yum.

May 27 - Ms. Dracula - Maya decided that since vampires were in - she would join in the fun... pretty creepy (it's actually her iron drops which she was able to drool out that day)

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