Friday, February 1, 2013

Gianangelo (and family) visit Singapore

Earlier this month (January), my cousin from Italy, Gianangelo, and his wife and three kids spent a few days in Singapore with us on their way back from Australia. His "kids" are 16, 14, and 12 so much older than Noah but I think Noah really enjoyed having them stay with us and being around "big boys". Although they were here for only a very short time (three days), we were able to see a lot: CBD, the quays and the colonial area, the marina bay area and the gardens, Chinatown, little India, the botanical gardens, Sentosa and the night safari - below are a few pics from their trip (I did not feel like lugging our camera so thanks Gianangelo and family for the pics).

the boys and their mom (with Seth and Noah in the background)

at the top of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel

Boat trip down the river - Noah studying the map (again)

1 comment:

  1. Vous devez ĂȘtre devenus les meilleurs guides de Singapour ;)
