Thursday, August 9, 2012

Chicken Pox Days: Crafts 'n Things

Chicken Pox Days are officially over. Noah got the green light from his doc to go back to school on Tuesday afternoon (the 7th of August) after 12 days of confinement. In addition to the running around (see previous post on olympic courses), we also watched many videos and did many craft projects. Below are a few of such projects.

For some reason, I had started stockpiling toilet paper tubes with the idea that they could be useful for crafts projects. First we made a plane with a toilet paper tube, some paint, some paper, some cardboard and an egg crate (I got the idea from the internet). Here Noah painting the plane's wing.

Painting the plane's mainframe.

Putting things together.

The finished product!

Noah playing with his plane - takeoff...

And landing....

 We follow a few friends' blogs and in one of them there was a picture of a stick figure a kid about a month older than Noah had drawn. So I wondered whether Noah could draw a stick figure - I drew one and asked him if he knew how - and this was the result (he drew it entirely on his own)... 

Then he decided it was winter and snowing out so we added glitter....

 Our neighbors were great during our 12 day seclusion and brought us books and toys and stickers and activities... here is Noah sowing a finger puppet together from a kit a neighbor gave us.

Noah is still very much into food and cooking. Now that he has a kitchenette, he always wants to prepare "meals" for us but it is always hard to know what is available. So we decided to make a menu. Noah chose his restaurants name and wrote it down and designed the logo.

We came up with a menu and I started writing it up (here the breakfast options) when Noah decided he wanted to write the menu out - so the "salade de fruits" is all his (I spelled it for him of course though his is starting to get good at sounding out basic words like "DE" or even "SALADE").

The main dishes are a bit limited but they include his two favorite dishes - crepes and chicken rice (both also written by Noah).


After the successful menu endeavor, Noah decided to make a portrait of Joanne, our fish to put by her bowl...

The plane was fun but only used one tube of toilet paper... so this time we went for a whole village of toilet paper tube houses... Noah painting one of the houses.

The houses in progress. Noah enjoyed all the painting and he drew all the windows and doors on the houses.

The final product... a snowy town.

Overall, these 12 days were a lot of fun - it is rare that we get to spend that much time just the two of us (Seth was away when Noah first got sick and then was working during the day) and I really enjoyed it. That said - I was ready for him to go back to school and for us to resume our playdates when the doc gave him the green light.


  1. On dirait que Noah est très intéressé par la neige et le froid :)

  2. Je suis cliente à ton restaurant quand tu veux :)
